Today, blockchain is considered one of the next big technological advancements. According to Glassdoor, the interest in blockchain-related jobs increased by 300% in 2018. From this statistic alone, it’s obvious that blockchain technology has a bright future.  

Booming Demand For Blockchain Developers

At the end of 2017, during the “crypto-mania” bull run, blockchain job openings on the Glassdoor totaled 748. In August 2018, less than a year later, the website had over 1,700 unique blockchain job openings just in the US alone. It is evident that the demand for blockchain developers has grown dramatically in 2018. According to Upwork’s Q1 2018 Skills Index, the most rapidly developing skill is Blockchain. Moreover, the website associated this technology with “Cloud,” which had the same success in the mid-2000s. Hence, this influential tendency made world-leading corporations, like IBM and Samsung, seriously think about blockchain technologies. They even work tirelessly on R&D.  

10 Hottest Blockchain Job Positions

Blockchain is an industry where you can develop or start your career in different directions – from a developer to a marketing manager. Therefore, everyone can find his or her niche. So, let’s explore ten most in-demand blockchain jobs.  

1. Blockchain Developer

Developers form the backbone of blockchain organizations. This is because they create blockchain systems through programming. Therefore, this position is one of the essentials in the blockchain sphere. As the largest corporations begin to show interest in the technology, this profession is getting more and more popular. Some organizations refer to this position as “blockchain engineer”. Someone who intends to become a blockchain developer needs to be extremely attentive to details. Moreover, he should have high-level technical abilities. The annual salary range of a blockchain developer is from $150,000 to $175,000.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Developer

The crucial element in any blockchain job is to study the basics of this system. You’ll have to master all the processes and concepts of technology. In addition to this, you’re expected to know basic terms like decentralization, mining, cryptography, smart contracts, and so on. There are programming languages that will help you get into blockchain. These are C++, C#, Go, and JavaScript. The usual language for blockchain coding is Solidity, which allows you to work with Ethereum smart contracts.  

2. Blockchain Designer

Blockchains are steadily being integrated into various industries. The interface design of a platform is thus essential. The objective of a blockchain designer is to build something that will reflect all the unique features of the blockchain, and yet, making it user-friendly. For that reason, the blockchain designer is an in-demand position in the blockchain industry. The median salary range for a blockchain designer is from $45,000 to $65,000 per year.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Designer

To become a blockchain designer, you are required to know about graphic design. You should also learn the basic tools and techniques of UI/UX. In addition to this, you should read about blockchain basic processes. You can even try buying a crypto coin to make it easier. This will let you examine the transaction model in practice.  

3. Blockchain Quality Engineer

As in any development ecosystem, a quality engineer in a blockchain project must test its system. Moreover, he must ensure all points of quality on the platform. Quality engineers are responsible for managing the test strategy for development and maintaining QA test criteria. On average, a blockchain quality engineer earns between $85,000 to $90,000 per year.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Quality Engineer

This position requires knowledge of how blockchain platforms work. To become a quality engineer, you need to study coding, transactions, smart contracts, and other blockchain-related technicalities. Also, it is important to have a good understanding of economics. Moreover, one should have excellent problem-solving skills. To be able to solve quality issues in the system, you have to be able to adapt to the situation and technology.  

4. Blockchain Project Manager

The main responsibility of a blockchain project manager is to function as an intermediary between developers and clients. He should have professional knowledge of the organization’s business needs and what type(s) of blockchain platforms can benefit the enterprise. In essence, this role is similar to a project manager in other industries. The difference is the requirement of blockchain knowledge. The salary for this profession is $75,000 to $90,000 annually.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Project Manager

To become a blockchain project manager, you will need to have experience in project management. This is because you are going to communicate with those who are experts in the sphere. Furthermore, you have to know all the terms and fundamentals of blockchain technology.  

Compliance with financial and governmental regulations make the role of legal consultants essential. Therefore, blockchain companies have started to look for legal experts to join their team. A legal consultant is someone who understands all the fintech laws and regulations of the country where the company is operating. Moreover, he can provide solutions for legal requirements. Blockchain legal consultants earn $100,000 to $140,000 annually.  

If your fundamental profession is a lawyer, you can easily become a consultant for a blockchain project. Therefore, the most essential skill here is legal knowledge of fintech regulations for the specific country.  

6. Blockchain Cryptographer

Cryptographer is a cybersecurity specialist who implements algorithms and defense systems into code. Hence, the main responsibility for this job is to enforce cyber security and protect the blockchain platform from cyber attacks. The median income of a blockchain cryptographer is between $155,000 to $185,000 per year.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Cryptographer

There are two fundamental skills for this position. First, you should be good at mathematics. Second is the perception of programming languages. In addition to this, you’ll need to know about information and number theories. It is important to have a background in digital signatures, key exchange, encryption, and symmetric cryptography. The last-mentioned includes the understanding of message authentication codes, symmetric encryption, and hash functions. A soft skill, which is significant for this profession, is to be a critical thinker.  

7. Blockchain Marketing Manager

Today’s world concentrates on marketing. Every sphere has its marketing specializations, and blockchain is no different. The marketing expert intends to promote not only the technology but also the blockchain-made platform. Because of that, the blockchain system is more likely to receive wider adoption. A blockchain marketing manager can earn up to $85,000 to $90,000 a year.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Marketing Manager

To be a blockchain marketing manager, you’re required to have a university degree in marketing or communications. To sum it up, the essential points are to be able to identify the project’s target audience, understand their needs, and have a creative mind to implement successful marketing campaigns.  

8. Blockchain Writer

A blockchain writer is someone who generates marketing content, whether it is copywriting or article writing. In addition, this content is usually written for the project’s target audience. Therefore, the purpose of a blockchain writer is to generate content which will be not very term-stuffed so that everyone can read and understand what it’s about. The average annual salary range for this job is $60,000 to $85,000.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Writer

To become a content writer, it’s necessary to have superior research skills. Even if you are not an expert, you can just spend time on theme analysis to generate your content. If you’re a newbie, you can concentrate on a specific area like decentralized applications or altcoins, then periodically, add another theme. This will help you find the information that you need. Eventually, you will become an expert in the field.  

9. Smart Contract Writer

This is a profession for coders who use Solidity language for generating contracts for cryptocurrencies.  Vitalik Buterin, CEO of Ethereum, was the one who applied this originally. It is a practice for making cryptocurrency transactions. The annual income of a smart contract writer is $122,000 to $179,000.  

Requirements For A Smart Contract Writer

He needs to have experience in building smart contracts and programs based on Ethereum with usage and tracking of cryptos. Moreover, knowing dApps and experience in coding with Python or Javascript is essential.  

10. Blockchain Sales Manager

The sales manager has the same functions in the blockchain as in any other field. Hence, the purpose of this profession is to sell the idea or the product. In the case of blockchain, the object of the sales manager can be the blockchain platform itself. It can also be the services that it provides. The salary of this profession is approximately the same as the marketing manager’s job. Therefore, it ranges from $85,000 to $90,000 annually.  

Requirements For A Blockchain Sales Manager

This job is quite similar to the marketing manager. However, the main difference is that it is a front end role. In addition to this, the sales manager must have good analytical abilities to examine the market and the results of the created sales strategy.  

Final Words

The blockchain industry is a fast-growing technology space with many roles to play. As a result, each of us can become a part of this technology. Therefore, it doesn’t matter what kind of qualification or profession we have. Finally, the key thing you’re required to do is to advance your knowledge in the field.


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